It's All Perfect


Weight Loss
Spiritual Guidance
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We offer training in FUN workshop and consulting format at homes and businesses. Improve life skills, businesses success and balance the mind-body-spirit. All workshops offer a satisfaction guarantee and includes all materials.

Numerology Basics & Numerology for Life Purpose...
Numerology is the scientific study of numbers, and the manner in which they reflect certain aptitudes and character tendencies, as an integral part of the cosmic plan. Each letter has a numeric value that provides a related vibration. The sum of the numbers in your birth date and the sum of value derived from the letters in your name provide an interrelation of vibrations. These numbers show a great deal about your character, your purpose in life, what motivates you, and where your talents may lie. There are eleven numbers used in constructing Numerology charts. These numbers are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, and 22. Larger numbers that occur from adding the numbers in your complete birth date or from the values assigned to each name, are reduced until you achieve one of the core numbers. Merely add the components of the larger number together (repeatedly, if necessary) until a single digit (or the "master" numbers 11 or 22) results. (2.5 hrs).

Power Animal Energy... Explore the exciting ways of the Shaman. Each animal has it's own special medicine or energy. Animals that show up in our lives can help us through our trials to self-discovery. We also have animals that serve as our totems or guides in our special life purpose. This workshop gives an insight of the power of animals, how they can help us and what we can give back to nature in gratitude. (3hrs)

The Goddess Within... Identify your personal Goddess Archetypes and learn more about yourself, your strengths and things you can do to reframe your weaknesses. As you celebrate your inner YOU, you will develop self confidence and esteem with joy and love. (3 hrs)
Meditation Basics... One of the single most important ways to stay happy, balanced and successful. I am my own biggest success story!!! Learn the basics of various types of meditation, the many benefits received and participate in a powerful guided meditations. (3 hrs).

Intro to Meditation 3 Week Series... One of the single most important ways to stay happy, balanced and successful. I am my own biggest success story!!! Learn the basics of various types of meditation, the many benefits received and participate in a powerful guided meditations. (3 - 90 min classes).

Teach Your Kids Spirituality (Spiritual Laws for Family)... For parents who wish to raise children with values that satisfy spiritual needs as well as create abundant experiences. You will learn specific ways to practice the Seven Spiritual Laws as a family, how to teach these laws to children (with age specifics) and how to act in the ways of these laws every day of the week. (2 hrs)

Dear God Send Money - Creating Abundance... Find true prosperity in your life. Prosperity is about feeling satisfied and fulfilled in every area of your life. This workshop will jump start your development of the mindset needed to feel prosperous. That means finding out who you are, defining your values and determining what brings you comfort and joy. Then finding the courage to act upon what you discover. It is also critical to be at the right consciousness to create this abundance in all parts of your life. And once you are there, you still have to take action to change your thoughts, beliefs, emotions and behavior patterns in order to continuously allow new conditions in your life to develop…. Class includes written materials, lecture, self-help exercises and take-home action steps. (3 hrs)

Win at Love... So many looking for that soul mate relationship, so where do you start? This workshop will help you to find the love that is missing from your life!

Finding Your Archetypes Workshop... Learn more about yourself and your divine purpose. Specifically you will: develop a archetype mind-set, identify the beliefs, attitudes & thought process that make your unique archetypal energies, learn to work with and make best use of the energy patterns operating in your life, connect with the oneness of the universe, develop a life purpose consciousness. Class includes written materials, hands-on exercise, lecture and homework. (5 hrs)

Energy & You... Energy is everywhere, find out how to connect with the energy around you. Feel, see, sense energy. Class includes written materials, hands-on exercise & lecture. (2 hrs)

Intuitive Definition & How to Read Your Mom's Mind... This is a basic class designed for kids. Psychic awareness can benefit you and your children in many ways and can connect you spiritually to the Universe. This is the 6th sense that MUST be developed for greater success - both personal and global! Find out what being psychic really means & the different outlets for intuitive development, all in a fun simple format. Class includes written materials, hands-on exercise & lecture. (2 hrs)

Relieving Stress... Explore methods to get you relaxed, calm and positive. Practical exercises and tools to use everyday in any situation. Class includes written materials, hands-on exercise & lecture. (2 hrs)

Intuitive Development 4 week Series - This class series utilizes information/lecture with guided meditation and follow-up discussion to discover dimensions beyond the physical. Learn more about yourself as you develop your intuitive abilities. (4 - 2 hr classes)

Chakras & Auras - Introduction to the energy systems in and around the body. Learn how to ground & center, eliminate excess energy, self-protect, tools for clearing and growing energy. Class includes written materials, hands-on exercise & lecture. (2.5 hrs)

Interpreting Your Dreams - Your dreams hold a treasure of information about you, your life challenges and your ultimate soul path. Learn how to assess the scores of information available to you every night! Class includes written materials, hands-on exercise & lecture. (3 hrs)

Reiki I, II & III/Master - Reiki will change your life, I guarantee it. Check out my page on this amazing gift from Divine Spirit!

Creative Visualization - Self-Hypnosis - Your mind holds the key to your goals and dreams. You design your life the way your want it to be. Learn the basic techniques behind visualization and develop tools to give your dreams the power they deserve! (3 hrs)

Declutter Your Environment... Mess 2 Success - Let go of what you can do without and be amazed at what you find within. Experience the connection of uncluttering – physically, emotionally and spiritually. Instant success with interactive workshops - Learn/Organize/Sell Items Online. (4-6 hrs)

Lean Training for Businesses... Lean Enterprise will eliminate the waste and ensure your business success. The concept focuses on doing what is needed when it is needed with the minimum amount of materials, equipment, labor and space. Our interactive workshops teach lean principles in a unique way. We help develop a plan to implement lean and can assist with the roadblocks that pop up on this path. (6 hrs)


Connecting with Angels & Guides

Shaman Medicine

Understanding the Soul

Habits of Effective People

High Impact Communication

Spiritual Growth

Smudging, Blessing & Moving Energy

Practice Standards

The information provided in this website, and the services provided by It's All Perfect are not intended to be a substitute nor to be used as a replacement for treatment, prescription, or medical advice from your family health care provider. If you suspect you have a medical or psychological condition, or wish to start any new health program, you should first consult with your health care provider or a mental health professional. The hypnosis services rendered are held out to the public as a form of coaching using non-therapeutic hypnosis, guided imagery and instruction in self-hypnosis and relaxation. The energy balancing services rendered are presented to the public as a form of spiritual connection to Universal Life Force, God, and natural stress reduction. We do not represent these services as any form of health care or psychotherapy, and despite research to the contrary, by law we make no health benefit claims for our services.

Hypnotism (non-therapeutic) and Energy Balancing are self-regulating professions and its practitioners are not licensed by state governments. Rev. Kim Marques is not a physician nor a licensed health care provider and may not provide a medical diagnosis nor recommend discontinuance of medically prescribed treatments.

If a client desires a diagnosis or any other type of treatment from a different practitioner, the client may seek such services at any time. A client has a right to refuse hypnosis or energy services at any time. The client has a right to be free of physical, verbal, or sexual abuse. A client has the right to know the expected duration of treatment, and may assert any of these rights.

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